
 Public Works: The Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance and improvements of the City’s infrastructure. The Department consists of five Divisions: Administration, Engineering, Public Services (Streets and Solid Waste), Parks & Facilities, and Fleet Maintenance.

CPI: Capital Improvement

Development Services: The Development Services Department consists of three divisions: Planning, Building, and Code Compliance. The Planning Division develops policies for land use and development citywide, processes discretionary and administrative land use permits, and staffs the Planning, Historic Preservation, and Cultural Arts Commissions. The Building and Safety Division administers and enforces State and Federal regulations, local ordinances, and model codes related to building construction in the City of Pomona. The Code Compliance Division enforces the City’s Municipal Code for property maintenance, unpermitted uses, and other violations to ensure safe, clean, and healthy neighborhoods.

General Services: The General Services program accounts for municipal expenditure items not directly attributable to individual departmental operations and/or items benefiting all departments.  As a general rule, these activities represent contractual obligations approved by the City Council for the benefit of the City.  Included in this budget is the contract for animal control services (Humane Society), dues and subscriptions for various citywide organizations, the property tax administration fee assessed by the County of Los Angeles, and contingency funding for unanticipated expenses (used upon approval of the City Manager).

Neighborhood Services: The Neighborhood Services Department is comprised of three divisions: the Community Services Division, the Pomona Housing Authority, and the Housing Services Division. The Community Services Division provides a wide range of programs, services, educational and recreational opportunities for the constructive use of leisure time, and a unique blend of human services programs that assist individuals, youths, seniors, and families. The Pomona Housing Authority provides rental assistance to approximately 1,100 lower income households in Pomona, serves as the Housing Successor Agency, and hosts the City’s Homeless Services Unit. The Housing Services Division administers over $8,000,000 in federal, state, and local grant funding and is devoted to improving the housing stock of Pomona by preserving the structural integrity of Pomona’s older homes, enhancing the aesthetics of existing residential neighborhoods, promoting safe and quality housing, and facilitating the construction of new housing. Through its many programs, the Housing Authority and Housing Services Division strive to assist the very low to moderate income community in meeting its affordable housing needs in the areas of rental assistance, residential rehabilitation, homeownership opportunities, economic development, and capital improvements. In addition, the City’s Homeless Services Unit oversees several rental assistance programs for homeless households and administers shelter operation funding for the Pomona Hope for Home Service Center. The Government and Community Affairs Manager furthers local community efforts by working with state, local, and federal government liaisons, and collaborates with local community organizations to further programs and policies that meet city objectives.